"Choose your Love, and Love your Choice" -Pres. Thomas S. Monson

Saturday, August 4, 2012

You've had a Birthday, shout HOORAY!

Sterling had a birthday recently, and turned the BIG 24! 

It amazes us how FAST time flies by, and how we still feel like we JUST graduated High School YESTERDAY... and here we both are, over 6 years, college degrees, missions, a wedding and one anniversary later! ha! We have discovered that our minds think we can do all of the stuff we were able to EASILY do when we were 18 or 19... but our bodies (and lungs) definitely let us know "the ol' gray mare, she ain't what she used to be".

 Okay, so Sterling's birthday...
He has been REALLY wanting to go see the new Batman movie (Dark Night Rises) ever since it came out. We are very extremely cheap, and we hardly EVER go out to a movie. haha! Our idea of a movie date is popping some popcorn at home, and watching a movie on Netflix. Or, if we're feeling SUPER spontaneous, we'll go get a Redbox. (classic... I know) But I wanted to take him out to go see it for his birthday! So... off to our first movie at a full price theater, in a long time... we went!

His birthday was on a Friday this year, so we went to the movie on Wednesday, because it was a late movie, and he didn't have to work the next day (Thursday).  The movie was great! Ster LOVED it, and I was just glad to be there with him! He is a total action movie guy (GUY MOVIES), and I am not a real action movie kinda girl... but he puts up with my chic flicks, so of course... I've seen a few action movies in my day as well!

 Thursday, my sister Jaycee and her husband Brady moved down to St. George (from Orem) to start school in the Fall. They were moving stuff into their apartment, and until they got their bed all moved in, along with getting everything settled  in their new place... they stayed in our Casita their first night here! WE LOVED IT! I made Sterling a birthday breakfast, and we got to also share the morning with Jayce and Brady! (Waffles, saussage, fresh peaches, and eggs)

 Sterling was just like a little kid, when it came to opening his presents. He even asked me Thursday night/ Friday morning at midnight... if he could open his presents, because it was NOW his birthday! hah! Oh sheesh! I made him wait until the next morning... but that's the first thing he wanted to do after eating breakfast.

 He got some clothes (mostly basketball shorts, and T-shirts because that's what he'd prefer to live in CONSTANTLY if I'd let him!) and scrubs for work, Sanuk shoes (they are comfortable beyond comfort), some snacks (Jerky, and sunflower seeds/spitz), and some stuff for his bike. He usually bikes from our house in Snow Canyon (close by Tuachan) into school/work in St. George. He thinks he needs to get in better shape... but I think that is a GREAT work out daily! :)

We had my family over to celebrate with us on Friday night, and I just threw Sterling a small little surprise party. I picked him up from work (yeah... he had to work on his birthday... welcome to reality) so he didn't have to ride his bike home, and he had a quick second to shower and change before people came over for cake and ice cream. It was a small and simple party... but really fun!

 Birthday BOY!

 If you've seen the little cute animated movie All Dogs go to Heaven... Sterling wanted to be referred to a "The Grand Chawhee" because it was his birthday! haha! I don't know where he comes up with this stuff... but I sure love this guy! :)

 24 Candles for this big guy!

 Jeff and RaCail

 Rhonda, Kenz, Mom, and Kayelee

 Dad, Brady and Jaycee, and Stephen

 Another of Rhonda, McKenzie, Mom, and Little Miss

 Ster loves these Gatorade water bottles!!! So, my family gave that to him (along with some b-ball shorts (gosh they know him good) and a water bottle holder for his bike.

 He got some REALLY tasty snacks from Stephen, Rhonda and Kayelee. 

 Kayelee wrote him this Birthday card, because she is going into 1st grade, and is learning to be a GREAT little writer! ha! It says "I love you. You don't have to sign a application" It's an inside joke in our family, because when Sterling and I got married, Kayelee had just turned 5, and she said Sterling had to fill out an "application" if he wanted to be our cousin. Bahah! She is full of it! So apparently, she's changed her mind on the whole application process! :)

It was a great birthday, and I think Sterling really had a good time! I love him, and am SO GLAD to be married to my best friend. We seriously have so much fun together, and just get to be our crazy, goofy, regular selves... and that's what I love! Happy Birthday hun! Bring on a lifetime more!


  1. 1. You are the most adorable wifey EVER!!! someday you will have to give me lessons.
    2. Your blog design is to die for.
    3. I sure do miss you!!

  2. Oh how fun!!! & You always look so cute!

  3. Alyssa and Tia... you guys are the sweetest! Thanks, and DIDO! You two are adorable!
