"Choose your Love, and Love your Choice" -Pres. Thomas S. Monson

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Picking up the SLACK!

The saying goes "a picture is worth one thousand words"... I sure hope that's true, because I definitely don't have time to type up one thousand words. Haha! I used to be pretty consistant about blogging, and with school, work, finals, being in summer school, etc. I have definitely slacked off on keeping our blog up to date. 

Here is a picture overload of what we've been up to in our crazy, busy, PERFECT NEWLY MARRIED life! :)

Mom's Birthday dinner with the family! June 5th 2012
 Some of our favorite little girls came up to visit! (Kayelee, and Savannah)

 Steve and Suaney Anderson came down to St. George, and we got to go to dinner with them at Saukura (sp?). Habachi Grill

 Had an AWESOME group date night/hang out with some friends, and played "Extreme Signs"
 Ster's "boys" from High School (Lone Peak) ... they've been friends for a LONG time!
 Kaylee's getting married... so NATURALLY we had a bridal shower for her! I love these girls!

 Had summer school, and learned to do restorations/fillings n' stuff!

 Had a WONDERFUL Mothers day! We made these GIANT mothers day cards for my mom and Ster's mom. They were great! :)
 Sterling Surprised me with roses, and breakfast in bed. LOVE HIM!

 We love Sunday dinners over at my parents house. My mom makes delicious meals, and the boys always play Mario-cart or something after (always old school though)

 Went to the "What Women Want Expo" with my Sister-in-law RaCail. (May 2012)

 Sterlings brother Mark just graduated from Dental School at USC in CA, and is on a move to Texas. They came and stayed with us in July! We love their family! 

 Watched a few of Kenzie's summer soccer camp games! :)

 Had an amazing 4th of July! The fireworks were a panoramic view... all across various parts of St. George (airport hill, sunbowl, Dixie Rock, etc.)

 And I went to Girls Camp with our ward! We went to Jacob's lake AZ, and it was a blast! I love our young women, and I love my calling as the Laurels Adviser. :)

Sterling is getting ready to take his PCAT next week, and we are traveling up to SLC for a week... so I'll post more pictures then. I am so excited for shopping, spending time with my in-laws, going to see the play WICKED at Capitol Theatre, and going to a mission reunion. Ster has been studying SO HARD, and I'm thrilled for him to take this test. He'll do so great! Then... applying to schools all over... will be our next adventure in life! :)


  1. Fun stuff! You guys are so dang cute! I love that you are living up the 'newlywed' life! Makes me miss the days when I didnt have (want) to be in bed by 9! ;) Good luck to Ster on his test!! He will for sure do AMAZING!

  2. I feel so honored to have made it on the Coon's blog twice now! I sure do love you Megs, you are amazing!

  3. Hah! Lyss, you crack me up!!! Love you girl! Keep'em comin'... Keep'em comin!
